
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feeling Streaky?!!! -- Bold Hightlights

Ask CurlyNIkki: How Can I Highlight My Hair Without Damaging My Curls?

Curly Nikki

I was researching "new hair trends" and came across this article on popular Naturalista Curly Niki.  The picture is from an article from Essence, found at the following link:

The article is in result to the following question:

"I'm anxious to try bold highlights -- think bright bold or purple -- but I don't want to use chalk or any chemical dye in my hair.  Any Suggestions?"

The above-noted picture is her answer to the question!  Bright, bold, beautiful color that is vibrant, temporary, wearable, and fills that color void for excitement.

This great idea came from a Blogger by the name of FroEnvy and this is her Blog site:  It is an alternative for Kinky, Coily, Curly  and Wavy Naturals to apply vibrant color to their tresses.

Fro Envy with Purple Streak in Front


  1. Take a section of hair and smooth on eye shadow cream.
  2. Style hair, as desired.
To Remove:

  1. Saturate the strands with Coconut or Jojoba Oil (or oil of your choice).
  2. Run fingers down the strands to remove eye shadow creme.
  3. Use a damp Tee Shirt or soft fabric to remove any leftover creme (optional).
  4. Wash or Re-style Tresses

It's like coloring your hair with crayons!

The type of eye shadow that Fro Envy using is pictured below.  The process or application can be a little messy.  You must also remember that the application of shadow will be temporary.  Since oils remove make-up and most of us naturals apply oils to our hair as a nightly routine, the oils will also remove the color streaks from our tresses and you may also have to deal with the transference of the shadow to your bonnet, satin cases, and linens.

 This is a Trend of the Season idea.  Try it and send me your pictures!  Got to go, off to the make-up counter!

©Copyright 2012-11 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hatsome Hat Company

I came across this company while looking for different styles of hats to wear during the Fall and Winter seasons.  As always, there is always a new find on the internet.  The company's name is Hatsome!

Hatsome gives your four reasons for purchasing one of their hats:

Why Lined Hats

Why Satin Lining:
The satin lining in HatSome's hats creates a smooth barrier between your hair and the raw material of winter hats.
If you are wearing a hat for 3-4 months of the year,  you should make sure that your hair is good hands.

Here are 4 reasons why your hair will love HatSoMe's silk and satin lined hats.
1.     Moisture, Moisture, Moisture
HatSome lined hats help your hair retain its moisture and keeps your hair looking just as shiny as when you put your hat on. This is highly recommended for anyone with dry or chemically treated hair.

2.     Hair Breakage, Be Gone!
Those strands of hair left behind in an unlined winter are not a welcome sight. The lining in HatSome hats creates a barrier between your hair and the hat’s material. This completely prevents your hair strands from being intertwined with the knits of the hat’s material that can often lead to hair breakage.

3.     Hat Hair? What’s that?
The smooth silk and satin material that lines HatSome hats help to keep your hair style looking just as great as when you first put on the hat. 

 4.     Fear Not the Shedding Hat!
Some hats like to leave a lasting impression …. in the form of shedding fiber in your hair! Good news is that with HatSome lined hats, you can enjoy many styles without worry. 
So check out our online store.

Hats are a great accessory and proof of your styling savvy!  These knit hats are easy to store and on warmer days, easily thrown into your tote or handbag.

My Hats on to you!

©Copyright 2012-11 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Winter Styling

Style:  FlowArn; Price:  $15.00
Styling for those Winter Months

The winter months are upon us and for those of us on the East Coast, it means that it is time to cover and protect those luscious tresses.  

There are so many styles and colors to choose from.  Your sure to find one that will fit your fancy!

Also, consider lining your knit hats with a silk scarf or bonnet to protect your hair from unnecessary rubbing on the inside of the hat accessory of your choice.  The rule remains the same for wool hats.  Yes, they can be strikingly adorable but wool hats and scarves have the tendency to pull and rub out your hair with consistent wearing.  Line them, if possible.

This style of covering adds a little sass to your style while covering the circumference of your head against the winter winds.
This winter grey adds interest to your face while allowing your tresses to cascade from the back.

Whatever your style, color choice, or shape a hat is a winter blues friend!

Happy Curls to You!

©Copyright 2012-11 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Coconut Oil and It's Uses

Coconut Oil and It's Uses

I have been interested in the uses of Coconut Oil for some time and came across an article on Coconut Oil and its uses.  I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did!

80 Uses for Coconut Oil
So what’s the deal with coconut oil?
Offering a myriad of health benefits, coconut oil is affordable, readily available and completely natural. I have completely fallen in love with coconut oil and use it for EVERYTHING. Literally. I buy it in 5 gallon increments and keep it all over my house. I even have some in the car. So here is a little information to inspire you to check out this amazing oil including 80 uses for it!
General information about Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil Is:
·       Anti-inflammatory
·       Antimicrobial
·       Antifungal
·       Antiviral
·       Improves nutrient absorption
Daily Dosage:
Here is a chart outlining the recommended daily dosage of virgin coconut oil for persons over the age of 12. Coconut oil may be consumed by children under 12 but it is advisable to check with a healthcare practitioner on the proper dosage. Any good naturopath will have the information at the ready.
Weight in pounds/kilogramsNumber of tablespoons of coconut oil daily
150+ /68+3 1/2
125+ / 57+3
100+/ 45+2 1/2
75+ / 34+2
50+ / 23+1 1/2
25+ / 11+1
Type to use:
·       Expeller pressed coconut oil can be used for anything. It does not have a coconutty smell of taste.
·       Virgin coconut oil tastes coconutty and is great for cooking and baking where you want that flavor.
·       Food grade should always be used.

80 Uses for Coconut Oil
Personal Hygiene/Body
1.       Moisturizer – simply scoop some out of the jar and apply all over your body, including neck and face.
2.       Eye cream – apply under the eyes to reduce puffiness, bags, and wrinkles. Use on the lids in the evening.
3.       Preshave – coconut oil will prep skin for the pending damage caused by shaving.
4.       Aftershave – coconut oil will help heal your skin after shaving without clogging pores.
5.       Deodorant – coconut oil alone can be used as a deodorant, but even more effective in combination with cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda!
6.       Hair Conditioner/Deep Treatment – use as a leave in hair conditioner by applying a teaspoon of coconut oil to your ends and then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! For a deeper treatment, rub in a tablespoon of coconut oil onto your dry scalp and gently work through to the ends. Put a shower cap on to prevent transfer onto bed linens and leave on overnight.
7.       Hair Gel/Defrizzer – rub a little between your palms and either scrunch into hair (for curly hair) or finger comb in through from scalp to ends (for wavy/straight hair).
8.       Toothpaste – there are numerous recipes out there but I just mix coconut oil and baking soda and dab a little of the mix on my toothbrush.
9.       Make up remover – use a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil and you would be amazed at how well it works!
10.   Chapstick – just rub a little into lips and it not only acts as a softening agent but it also has an SPF of about 4 so you get a little protection!
11.   Massage Oil – pretty simple; grab some and rub!
12.   Lubricant – it is an all natural, perfectly safe personal lubricant. Not compatible with latex!
13.   Sunscreen – see my post on natural sunscreen for more detailed information.
14.   Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is great at nourishing damaged skin. It may not be the magic stretch mark cure but it will help.
15.   Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore, or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.
16.   Diaper salve – very comforting on a rashy bum with no harsh chemicals. Also safe for cloth diapers.
17.   Cradle cap – having issues with dry skin on your baby’s scalp? Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.
18.   Body scrub – mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over! Rinse off and your skin will be super soft! You can add in essential oils if you would like a specific smell.
19.   Healing – when applied on scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.
20.   Bug Bites – when applied directly to a bug bite, coconut oil can stop the itching and burning sensation as well as hasten the healing process.
21.   Skin problems – coconut oil relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.
22.   Swimmers Ear – mix garlic oil and coconut oil and put a few drops in affected ear for about 10 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a day and it usually works within one or two days.

General Health and Wellness
23.   Stress Relief – relieve mental fatigue by applying coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion. The natural aroma of coconuts is extremely soothing thus helping to lower your stress level.
24.   Digestion – the saturated fats in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties that help control, parasites, and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.
25.   Fitness – coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat, while increasing muscle.
26.   Nose bleeds – coconut oil can prevent nose bleeding that is caused by sensitivity to weather such as extreme hotness and extreme coldness. This condition happens when the nasal passages become dry because of cold or dry air resulting to burns and cracks in the mucus membranes so bleeding happens. To prevent this just put coconut oil in you nostrils. Coat your finger with coconut oil and then lie down and coat your finger inside your nose. Doing this will strengthen and protect the capillaries in the nasal passages. A Vitamin C supplement will also help prevent nose bleeding.
27.   For breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich your milk supply.
28.   Helps with weight loss & controlling cravings.
29.   Helps keep blood sugar levels stable and/or helps with cravings in those with diabetes.

Health Problems (that coconut oil is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing when taken internally)
30.   Eczema – in addition to taking it internally, many have success applying it externally, some don’t
31.   Skin problems
32.   Toenail fungus
33.   Hot flashes
34.   Bleeding hemorrhoids (can also be applied externally twice a day)
35.   HIV
36.   Head lice
37.   Improvements in menstruation regarding pain/cramps and heavy blood flow
38.   Migraines (with regular use)
39.   Mononucleosis
40.   Parasites
41.   Thrush
42.   Relieve gallbladder pain
43.   Has helped some people improve symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland, results have shown subsequent thyroid blood tests becoming normal
44.   Energy boost
45.   Flaky, dry skin
46.   May relieve acid reflux and indigestion when taken with each meal
47.   Adrenal fatigue
48.   Alzheimers
49.   H. pylori
50.   Candida albicans
51.   Asthma, even in children
52.   Autism
53.   Cholesterol – improves HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to HDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) ratio in people with high cholesterol
54.   Chronic fatigue
55.   Circulation/feeling cold all the time
56.   Stronger immune system
57.   Mental Clarity
58.   Depression
59.   Helps with inflammation in Crohns

Health Problems (that coconut oil is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing when applied topically)
60.   Athletes foot
61.   Back pain/sore muscles
62.   Canker sores
63.   Acne
64.   Cellulite
65.   Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)
66.   Genital warts (through topical application over 6 weeks, and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of the warts)
67.   Circumcision healing – although I am personally against circumcision, I have read that coconut oil is a really great healer for this.
68.   Use 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing other oils/butter in recipes with coconut oil.
69.   Replacement for butter/lard/Crisco/PAM in it’s solid form – greasing pans, pie crusts, etc.
70.   Replacement for various oils in liquid form – baking, cooking, sautéing, etc.
71.   Nutritional supplement – melt and add to smoothies.

Other Uses
72.   Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with Deet! Tons safer too.
73.   Great for dogs and cats for general wellness. Just add a teaspoon to their water bowl daily.
74.   Goo Gone – just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.
75.   Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!
76.   Polish Furniture – coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.
77.   Polishing Bronze – all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your bronze.
78.   Seasoning animal hide drums
79.   Seasoning cookware
80.   Moisturizing and cleaning leather products
An Oil for Many Uses
As you can see, there are many uses for coconut oil and just as many reasons to include it in your daily life.
Just remember when using coconut oil in your hair in the winter climate, that the oil will make the hair hard when it reverts back to it's solid form.
I try to use the oil in it's most natural form, which is rather easy to do since it can be found in health shops and markets rather readily.
Many naturalistas include this oil in their personal, homemade and naturally-sold hair products.
Our thanks goes out to Jennifer for such a detailed listing of usages for such a beloved oil.
Happy curls to you!

 ©Copyright 2012-11 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved

Earthy Butters

       Earthly Butters

I recently came across this company on one of my Facebook visits and thought it worth mentioning.  The owner's name is Kim Mayo.  I do plan to order her peach butter for my hair and will let you know, of course, how I like it!

Following is an excerpt from her Face Book page:

A new butter coming to Earthly Butters - Hint: It has been scientifically tested and proven to provide long-lasting moisturization and have soothing and purifying effects on the skin. it moisturizes skin so well that, in the ancient times, early Polynesians used to cover their newborn babies from head to toe with to protect them from dehydration. 

Hair Benefits 
can be used as a pre-shampoo hair treatment to deep condition and protect hair from atmospheric aggressions. The butter can make the hair more soft, silky and shiny. 
What butter am I? Answer will be posted soon.

Please visit Kim's website noted above.  

Happy Curls to You!

 ©Copyright 2012-11 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 2, 2012

What is Hair Porosity?

What is Hair Porosity?

Porosity is the measure of the hairs ability to absorb moisture. To better understand hair porosity, think of your hair strand as the roof of a house and the outer layer or the cuticle as the shingles on the roof. When the shingles lay completely flat, it’s difficult for water to enter or exit the hair shaft – this is low porosity hair. If the shingles are completely raised then moisture will easily enter and escape – this is high porosity hair. In normal porosity hair, the shingles or cuticles are neither completely flat nor raised, but at an optimum angle to allow moisture to enter and remain there.--NaturallyChelsea

Low Porosity Hair

Low porosity hair is usually harder to moisturize since it is more difficult to get the moisture into your strands. In order to moisturize your hair, you should use more water based, liquid products that will moisturize your hair without coating it and making it greasy. Also, use a light oil like jojoba ro grapeseed oil to seal your hair  since heavier oils like castor oil or olive oil will be harder for your hair to absorb and will simply sit on top of it and weigh it down.

Also, if you really have an issue with your hair absorbing products, try to apply them to damp or dry hair since the strands will have released the water and will therefore be able to absorb the product. A temporary way to open up your cuticles so your strands can better absorb product is to do a baking soda treatment on your hair. Because baking soda is alkaline in nature, it will cause the cuticles of your hair to raise. Simply mix baking soda and water until it forms an aerated paste, apply it to the hair and leave it on for 15 minutes then rinse.

Medium Porosity Hair

If you have medium porosity hair then you’re one lucky natural. This means that you have quite a few options for moisturizing your hair. However, there is a new method of moisturizing the hair called the L.O.C. (liquid, oil and cream) method that many women swear by. This method works so well because each layer of product seals the layer before it (i.e. the cream seals the oil which seals in the liquid). To do this method, apply a liquid leave in or moisturizer, then a light oil to seal it in and finish with your favorite creamy moisturizer or styler on top and your hair should be happy for at least a couple of days.

High Porosity Hair

If you have high porosity hair, it probably has a difficult time holding onto moisture because of its raised cuticles that allow moisture to be lost to the atmosphere. In order to keep your tresses happy, apply heavy products to your hair in layers. Try applying a leave in, then a thick moisturizer then a heavy butter to seal all the moisture in. To keep your hair moisturized throughout the week, mix your favorite liquid moisturizer or leave in with water in a spray bottle with a few drops of oil and spray it on your hair at nights then seal with a butter.

To help close your cuticles temporarily to better hold onto moisture, try doing apple cider vinegar rinseswhen you cleanse your hair. Apple cider vinegar is acidic and will temporarily help to close your cuticles. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of water and pour it over your hair after cleansing it, then dry it and style as normal. You can also try adding more aloe vera gel or juice to your regimen.

Testing Your Hair Porosity?

To find out what your hair porosity is, take a piece of shed hair from your comb or brush. It’s important that you get a shed and not broken hair to test. In order to determine if the hair was broken or shed naturally, examine the ends. If you see a little white ball on one of the ends, it means that it was shed.  Take the hair and drop it in a glass of water. If the hair immediately sinks it means that it readily absorbed the water and has high porosity. If the hair remains at the top, floating, it means that it is unable to absorb the water and has low porosity. If it floats to the bottom slowly then it has normal porosity.

 ©Copyright 2012 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved