
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Big Chop The Second Time Around

For most Big Choppers, the goal is to have healthy, vibrant, and beautiful hair.  However, usually in the back of their minds the biggest goal is to grow their hair back to the length that they Big Chop from.

Nowadays, those Big Choppers of three years ago have obtained great length and have now decided to Big Chop AGAIN!  Why?

There are several reasons why these beautiful women have decided to Big Chop.  First and foremost was that Big Chopping has taken them back to a period when the upkeep of their Big Chop routine was much simpler!

 I have also entertained the thought of Big Chopping again.  When I Big Chopped in March of 2010, I had NEVER in my life had short hair!  Now, my hair (stretched) is almost bra length and the upkeep of my hair routine has also become longer!

Detangling becomes a MAJOR issues and now has to really be placed on my "To Do" list!There are the days that I long for the days when I could simply run my fingers through my hair with my leave-in and gel and walk out the door!  This does not happen at the length I am now.

Listen to these ladies and make up your own mind if this is for you. Enjoy the videos!

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