
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Big Chop the Second Time

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I was perusing YouTube to see what was going on with the natural hair You tubers that I follow when I came across Allthatsgold and she has cut her below shoulder length hair to a beautiful tapered cut!

It seems as though those with TWAs want long hair and those that have reached shoulder length and below have built a desire for TWAs!

I too, have reached below shoulder length and I must say am and have flirted with the idea of going back to days of my TWA.  However, I keep fending off that desire by trying on a short wig until the temptation passes!

Take a look at what YouTuber Allthatsgold had to say about her Second Big Chop!

Please comment, subscribe, and let us know if you've experienced the desire to Big Chop.  Whether it be your first, second, or third time!

©Copyright 2014-1-04 Crowning Glory Coils and Kinks - All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year 2014


We've crossed over into a New Year!  Wishing my subscribers and readers a safe prosperous and happy New Year.

Many have made resolutions and have set new goals and have made a commitment to pick up unfulfilled resolutions from prior years.  It is important that we make changes to make our lives healthier, simpler, and more rich and fulfilling!

I'm looking forward to sharing new ideas, looks, and styles in this ensuing year!

Happy New You!